The following was obtained from here

Academic Misconduct



Academic Misconduct:  (READ THIS BEFORE BEGINNING EACH PROGRAMMING PROJECT)  The university labels each of the following activities as academic misconduct:

»        Cheating. Whether on exams or homework assignments, this includes copying the work of other students, and asking or allowing another student to do your work.

»        Plagiarism. Also known as "academic theft," it refers to the use of another's ideas or words (or source code) without proper attribution or credit.

»        Collusion. "Any student who knowingly or intentionally helps another student to perform any of the above acts of cheating or plagiarism is subject to discipline for academic dishonesty. There is no distinction between those who cheat and plagiarize and those who willingly allow it to occur."


The following is a description of explicit forms of plagiarism/collusion/cheating that will result in an "F" in this course and may result in suspension from UCSB for two quarters (this list is not inclusive):



The following is a description of allowed forms of seeking help (this list is not inclusive):


The penalty for the first offense of academic misconduct in this class will be to be receive an "F" in the course and to be referred to academic judiciary at the Office of Student Life, SAASB, 2201.   The standard penalty the Office of Student Life issues for plagiarism is a 2-quarter suspension from UCSB.