Ph.D. Proposal Announcement

Bryce Boe
Ph.D. Proposal
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
10:30 AM in 1132 HFH

Committee: Diana Franklin (chair), Kevin Almeroth, Danielle Harlow (Education Department), Timothy Sherwood

Title: Submission and Feedback Tools to Support Growth in Computer Science Education


The increase in popularity of teaching using visual programming languages …

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My Major Area Exam Announcement

Major Area Exam
Bryce Boe

March 12, 2012
2:00 PM
HFH 1132

Diana Franklin (chair), Tim Sherwood, Kevin Almeroth

Title: Automated Feedback and Assessment of Student Submitted Code

Increases in class sizes pose a problem for computer science instructors. With a larger number of students to educate …

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