My time recently has been filled with trying to complete priceTrackr so that I can go live with the service. I’ve sacrificed reading for my history class and even taken shorter hours at my day job so that I can work exclusively on priceTrackr. Truth be told I probably wouldn’t have done the reading and the task I’m currently working on for WorldViz is quite tedious thus I could not continue to work on it for more than a few hours when I went in. I have however managed to neglect this site so tonight I’ve abandoned my own blogging software and went to WordPress which I must say typing in the WordPress editor is much easier than using phpMyAdmin to do my blog editing.
With that being said I did move over my previous entries and I was impressed with the ability to paste images into this blog entry. Of course it just copied the html code but that is exactly what I needed.
What’s left to do is to incorporate my lastfm music data into the WordPress layout as well as some google advertisements in case this blog ever gets big and assuming people actually click on those links; the money has got to come from somewhere. Also I’ll have to look for a spell checking addition to WordPress as I am very prone to mistakes.
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