Bryce Boe
Ph.D. Proposal
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
10:30 AM in 1132 HFH
Committee: Diana Franklin (chair), Kevin Almeroth, Danielle Harlow (Education Department), Timothy Sherwood
Title: Submission and Feedback Tools to Support Growth in Computer Science Education
The increase in popularity of teaching using visual programming languages, namely Scratch, has resulted in new challenges for efficient and accurate assessment of programming assignments that affect not only introductory college courses, but also developing curriculum in the K-12 realm. Unfortunately, the visual nature of such languages makes manual assessment considerably tedious and error prone. Furthermore, while automated feedback and assessment tools have been used successfully with traditional languages, their application to visual languages is not trivial. We demonstrate the use of a static analysis tool in combination with an automated feedback system that provides both summative feedback for instructors and formative feedback for students. In this talk I will discuss how two tools we developed can alleviate some of the problems of a growing demand for Computer Science courses, both at the University and the K-12 levels.
Everyone welcome!
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