JavaScript Timer

For my CS162 class we have to do a project requiring some AJAX. I’ve actually never used AJAX before, and really haven’t used javascript other than to manipulate already existing html information. However despite my inexperience with javascript I found this function to be pretty robust and perhaps …

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College Extended

Dear Mr. Boe,

It is our pleasure to inform you that upon review of your application you have been accepted to the B.S./M.S. program in the Computer Science department for Spring 2007. Congratulations!

That’s all.

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This is a quick post as I feel a need to brag a bit about my recent accomplishment, but first a short list of what’s been going on.

  • Midterms
  • Papers
  • Programming Assignments (I wrote a compiler)
  • GRE Test
  • Apply to UCSB’s Computer Science 5th year Master Program
  • And …
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Quarter From Hell

It’s been a very long time since my last post, and I felt I would take this brief break to share how my life’s been in the last month and a half.

I went to San Diego for the first part of my Christmas break and saw my …

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And More: UCSB Soccer Beats UCLA in NCAA Finals

I knew I forgot something else that I wanted to put in my previous post. Sunday December 3rd our Gaucho Soccer team defeated UCLA in 27 degree weather for the NCAA Championship. Scott Adam and I contemplated driving all night to St. Louis when we learned of our shoot out …

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Tomato Accident

I forgot to post this under my denoiser application. I accidently created the following image while attempting to denoise, to which I thought this was pretty sweet looking though completely not the affect I was attempting to achieve.


I call it Tomato Accident.

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Wii and Finals

Well the first part of this post was supposed to occur directly after my previous post (11/21) however with many distractions it never made it to the website. To make a long story short our house got a Wii on the second day of its release, and it’s …

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Jon Stewart Came to UCSB!

This weekend was glorious. My little brother came up to visit, and when I say little I only mean younger because he is definitely not little. He brought two of his friend’s who also were of about the same size thus making me feel small which typically doesn’t …

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